Sorry, I completely forgot

I completely forgot I created this blog! That is why I haven’t posted in 7 1/2 years! Thank you to alpsdrinker for subscribing and reminding me this existed.

So, what’s new in Gavin’s gaming world. In addition to our regular rotation of annual conventions, (Recon – Orlando FL, and HurriCon – Orlando FL), I have added Skirmish in Jacksonville, FL and NashCon in Nashville, TN.

GT Publishing (available via in addition to “Commit the Garde!” (Napoleonic wars) and “Sound the Charge!” (American Civil War), now publishes “Above the Clouds” (air combat from WW2 through Vietnam), “Damn the Torpedoes!” (ACW naval ironclad combat), and “Flank the Tiger” (tank combat with a not too serious bent).

I will update the blog with some of my recent games here shortly.